Tuesday 20 July 2010

Coming up: Ecodefense revisited.

"Monkeywrenching, for better or worse, is one of those Americanisms, like backpacking, destined to displace our older English words. It's tempting to define it tightly as the unauthorised decommissioning of vehicles and heavy equipment in the name of the natural environment. In fact, that only seizes on the more daring and spectacular of a wide range of field-tested operations. In Britain we'd say that they amount to throwing a very heavy spanner in the works. In this important book almost every tactic discussed is illegal and risks severe penalities........ It's a saboteur's manual.'!

This Friday, We revisit Dave Foreman's classic Ecodefense manual which was first published in 1985 to great controversy, with respected elder statesman of the UK climbing community and life-long Anarchist and environmentalist...Harold Drasdo.